Monday, December 5, 2011

Fun Travelling With Kids

My daughter was only eight months old when we had our first international trip together. She can’t walk yet then, so basically I carried her most of the time. I carried her in one arm while my other arm carried her bag full of extra clothing, food, diapers, toys, milk and other stuff. Was the experience a nightmare? Oh, it wasn’t at all. If we are prepared, regardless when we travel with kids, by land, by air or by water, the journey wouldn’t be a disaster. However, there will be endless occasions when kids can get on our nerves when we travel. Here are few tips that may help you soften the travel woes.

Instead of dragging kids into a travel agency, where they will certainly get bored, book online and book everything ahead of time.

Organize your travel documents. Make sure you prepare a checklist of everything you will need. Keep all these documents and papers in one bag, so you can have them available at any time when needed. These include your passports, boarding passes and certifications especially when you travel with a child. In some immigration offices, they check for the child’s birth certificate and other documents indicating your relationship with the child.

Prepare a travel survival kit packed with first aid materials, medicines, small toys, games, feeding bottles, milk formula, diapers, and picture books. Portable DVD players, video games and other electronic things can keep kids trouble-free and occupied for hours. Bring CD’s (iPod or walkman) along and play music.

Pack snacks even if the airlines give these out. Keep your kids’ sugar content low, so they won’t be hyperactive during the travel. Snacks you can bring may include crackers, carrot sticks, pretzels or fruit.
Be sure that kids use the bathroom at every opportunity – before leaving your home, in the airport or station before getting on the plane, train, ship or bus.

Kids could be cranky at times when they are tired. So, before you travel, make sure that they had enough rest.

Hang on to your kids especially in a crowded airport or station. It could give you a heart attack if you lose your child even for only a few seconds. It is best to avoid that situation.

Whenever I travel with my daughter, I always put her in a stroller, big enough to carry her and my other ‘hand carry’ stuff. I also bring her favorite teddy and an extra soft blanket to make her comfortable. Since I travel with a child, I get prioritized in the queuing lines and we always get the front seats inside the airplane, where there is more space to move around. I always travel at night. That is just the perfect time when my daughter sleeps and when she awakes, she is in a different country already.

Travelling with kids could be a lot of fun. It wouldn’t be difficult or a nightmare as long as you plan carefully. Keep things enjoyable and safe and everything else will go a lot smoother for you and your family.

Bon Voyage!

For more reads, enjoy watching the slideshow below.

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